Why Membership Matters
​Membership consists of retired CN employees, surviving spouses and honorary members as well as retirees and their spouses from groups formerly connected with CN (i.e. VIA Rail and Marine Atlantic). Active employees can be admitted as social members without voice or vote. "Bridged" employees are also eligible for membership to the CN Pensioners' Association.
Although we advocate on behalf of all CN Pensioners and surviving spouses as volunteers, operating expenses are a reality. If you are not already a contributing member, by becoming one for only $1.00 a month, you can help defray such expenses. Your $1 per month will entitle you to several membership benefits and as information, approximately $0.83 of your $1 per month is returned to your local council of choice for their use. It is easy to become a member – just go to our sign up form below or email us at membership@cnpensioners.org. For more information, click on one of the topics below
What does your annual $12 fee get for you as a member? Pension representation, health care plan, benefits, newsletters, discounts, local meetings and events and so much more
If you're not yet a CNPA member, you should be! Welcome aboard!
Fill out and submit the application form and you'll become one of the more than 30000 members
Need contact info? Where do I look on Facebook? What other CNPA web sites exist? Look here!
CNPA members can save on a number of services or items such as insurance, travel packages, car rentals, hotel stays, office equipment and even vehicles. And there is CN Pass for travel on VIA Rail for some members