Update for VIA Pass Holders
For information about the VIA Pass and/or to replace your card, please call the CN Pension & Benefits Administration at 1-800-361-0739. Visit the VIA Rail site to book a trip.
Identified Issue:
Some passes no longer work within the new VIA reservation system
Some old passes have initials instead of full first names
VIA reservation system no longer accepts initials (November 2023)
For VIA pass holders who intend to travel, check their VIA pass and do the following:
If the pass contains both the full first and last name of the pass holder, no action is necessary, and travel can be booked using VIA’s online system;
If the pass contains only initials, contact CN Pension & Benefits Administration (1-800-361-0739) at least 4 weeks prior to travel to have a new pass issued.
For those who do not intend to travel or if their current pass has the full spelling of their first and last name, no action is required.
It is the member’s responsibility to create an online profile with VIA, and members should contact VIA customer service for any online issues at 1-888-VIA-RAIL (1-888-842-7245)