Rogers Preferred Program
Rogers has partnered with the CNPA to offer all members - and their families - discounts on their mobility through the Rogers Preferred Program. Save up to 30$ per month on a Rogers Infinite plan today, and get our 5G Wireless Home Internet solution starting from 35$ per month.
Visit www.planetemobile.biz and type in username "CNPA" and password "mobile" to start your order. You will be asked to provide a picture of your membership card in the final stages to take advantage of the program's exclusive pricing.
Call 514-880-9948 or send an email to vcapsis@planetem.com for all inquiries.
There are many variables that can determine which plans you can sign up for, depending on whether you are a new customer, an existing customer, requiring a new phone, using an existing phone and what coverage you want. That is why any inquiries should be made through
vcapsis@planetem.com and Vangy can walk you through your available options.
NOTE: While this is a Rogers based cell plan, it is not available through your local Rogers kiosk. It is a CNPA negotiated group rate by their group supplier Planet Mobile.